Friday, August 20, 2010


It's starting to sink in...10 days from now my life will be very different. I'm not moving to a third world country by any means, but I'm leaving all things familiar to me...

Most of you may be wondering if this decision came out of nowhere. Yes and no...I decided in college I was going to live abroad, but I had no idea it would be this soon. I know there is so much more out there for me to discover; to experience; to share...

End goal...add more stamps to my passport...

So, what will I do when I return from said quarter-life crisis? I'm hopeful I will figure that out; figure out what's important to me and the type of person I wish to become; figure out what makes me truly happy.

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and support as my days in the US are numbered. Danny, if you call me Ethiopian one more time I will come to Armenia and kill you.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


If you're reading this letter, you already know...Old School references aside, i'm moving to Barcelona on September 1st to begin a research study through a Fulbright Grant. The decision to transition away from a good/steady job, a loving family, and great friends was very difficult. If you know anything about me, you knew the past 3 months I've been meddling over this decision and trying to figure out what made sense...

So here I am, packing my bags, tying up loose ends, and finding a way to say goodbye to many of you. I created this blog with the intention of updating it on a semi-regular basis and informing you all of my travels and goings-ons. Most of this will likely be social commentary on new experiences (read "what not to do while in Europe...") that I plan on sharing.

Please join me through my quarter-life crisis. And when I say join me, that means come visit!

Until next time...