Today's the a mere 5 hours I will be in my new home in Barcelona. The excitement has set in and I can not wait to set foot on Spanish soil. I did, however, check three bags at the airport totaling a whopping 65kgs (yeah, I've gone Euro metric)...awesome.
The past few days has flown by. I feel like I've accomplished too much to count:
1. (Finally) finished all educational requirements for my Broker's license...yup, it's official...200 classroom hours, 4 years of precious time, and over $5000 in fees/books/expenses and I can sell you a house.
2. Started studying for my GMAT...yes, I brought books to Spain
3. Booked my trip back to the US...Barcelona >> Istanbul >>Nairobi >> Moscow >> Kota Kinabu >> Sydney >> Raleigh on July 15 2011. If anyone wishes to join, let me know and I will send you my dates.
4. Made a short list of places to travel while in Barcelona
5. Saw the majority of my friends one last time in Chapel Hill
Anyhow, the next few days will likely be busy settling in and completing logistical items such as opening a bank account, obtaining cell phone service, finding permanent housing, and gaining access to the hospital I will be working at.
My program orientation is this upcoming weekend in Madrid. I'm pretty excited to meet the other Americans who will be in BCN so I can begin planning a few trips with them and hear about their research proposals. Also, Fiesta de la Merce is at the end of the month. I was in BCN last year for this and it was an amazing time. Merce is the patron-saint of the city and to celebrate, Barcelonians take off 3-4 days and throw a huge festival. We're talking live music 24 hours a day for 3 days straight. Hopefully nobody gets pick-pocketed this time...
Also, I've switched to v-necks..
Talk soon
So happy to hear you made it safe, Kam! Oh, and I'm gonna need you to post the pictures of you rockin the v-neck...