Friday, October 29, 2010

Carolina Connections

When I tell people I'm from "carolina del norte," I never expect them to know where that is. Everyone knows the big cities...NYC, LA, DC. But North Carolina?? Wrongggg.

My stolen sillyband...looks a lot like NC, no?

From day 1 in Spain, I've met plenty of people who have some attachment to the state. I've made a list of what I can remember...I guess it just shows I miss home a little:

1. My old roommate Amar was seeing a girl who grew up in NC, went to ECU, and just moved back to attend grad school at NC State. Turns out I don't know her, but we have some friends in common!
2. At orientation in Madrid, there are Fulbrighters from Davidson, UNCG, UNC, Wake Forest, and Duke.
3. My current roommate Chrstina lived in Greeneville for 1 year when she was a kid
4. Dr. Miro will be going to UNC in 2012 to research the Emergency Department Residency Program
5. Dr. Hernandez is heading to UnC in May to attend a conference on rheumatology
6. I met a girl wearing an old school Larry "GrandMaMa" Johnson Charlotte Hornets jersey. This doesn't belong here, but it was hilarious

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